21st Century Payroll

21st Century Payroll for Adagio is a flexible, complete and cost-effective payroll application to manage all your payroll needs. 

21st Century Payroll for Adagio is a full-featured Payroll application that automatically produces batches for retrieval by Adagio Ledger and JobCost. Flexible setup options give you complete control over customizing Payroll according to your company’s practice. Make your software conform to your company's practices instead of the other way around.


  • Unlimited pay factors: set up all the income types, deductions, accruals, noncash benefits, and taxes that your business needs.
  • Payroll expense or both expense and liability posting by department, which is an easy departmentalization for true cost center accounting, on a factor-by-factor basis if need be.
  • Timecards bring speed and power to Payroll with easy input of hours worked plus unlimited distribution of payroll expenses. Create Recurring timecards as customized reusable templates.
  • Payroll batches are automatically sent to Adagio Ledger and Adagio Job Cost for easy retrieval and posting in Adagio.