Adagio PurchaseOrders
A sophisticated Purchase Order and Inventory Receipts system that can increase your profitability.
Adagio PurchaseOrders completes your Adagio solution for distribution, job costing, project management, or not-for-profit budgeting control, where it’s fully integrated with numerous Adagio applications.
PO setup and maintenance allows multiple alternate vendor price list comparisons associated with each inventory item number. Proper accounting and tracking of inventory item landed costs.
With transaction entry and posting, add Items and Vendors "on the fly". Add additional costs for alternate vendors on the same order, as the order is created, for better costing. Create Requisitions, approve, then turn into Purchase Orders. Create unlimited Purchase Order templates for frequently placed orders, for peak efficiency. Multiple sub-orders, multiple vendors in multiple currencies, and/or ship-to addresses on a single order. Import sales orders from OrderEntry into PO's, import receipts from bar code warehouse solutions. Import orders and/or receipts from 3rd party inventory and warehousing management solutions.
Reports and inquiries permits printing of outstanding receipts not yet invoiced. Also, the intuitive Data Flow lets you track related documents with drill-down capabilities to all your record details, which entitles you to see what invoices and receipts have been posted against it. Standard Inquiries provides vendors, items, and item transaction listings, for example. For current or historical, you can view the Purchase Orders, Receipts, Adjustments or All Transactions.
Sort data how you want to see it with Filtered Order Views-sort or filter by order status (open, completed, partial receipts), order date, or vendor.
Print, fax, or email professional looking, customizable, fully graphical Purchase Orders to your vendors.
Place multiple vendors on a single Purchase Order to calculate landed cost.
Receipting for Multiple Orders, and invoicing for Multiple Receipts.
Support sundry item and sundry vendor lists.
Summary Orders are color-coded to show order status at a glance.