



Day 1 - Tuesday, May 8

Beginner Track
A whole day geared for people new to Adagio or a specific module. Featuring a large percentage of introductory elements to Adagio, this track allows people to get familiar with how Adagio operates and includes functionalities that are recommended for the beginner.

Advanced Track
Designed for people familiar with Adagio, the advanced sessions offer "deep dives" into specific Adagio modules. We’ll be looking at more advanced features and operations within Adagio Financial and Operational modules.

Process Improvement Track
This track is for individuals looking to improve organizational processes, MS Excel skills and more.

7:30 - 8:25 am

Registration & Conference Opening Breakfast

8:30 - 10:25 am

AOC 2018 Welcome - Open Plenary

10:30 - 10:40 am

Morning Break

10:40 - 12:00 pm

Tech Talk 2018, K2 Enterprises

12:00 - 1:00 pm


1:05 - 2:55 pm

Concurrent Sessions (select one)

  • Introduction to Adagio

  • Introduction to GL

  • Going Paperless

  • Adagio Enhancements Provided by Adagio 3rd party developers

2:55 - 3:05 pm

Afternoon Break 

3:05 - 3:55 pm

Concurrent Sessions (select one)

  • Introduction to AP

  • Adagio Advanced Reporting

  • Adagio POS, Credit Card Payments & PCI Compliance

4:00 - 4:50 pm

Concurrent Sessions (select one)

  • Adagio Forms Designer

  • Adagio Overview The Operational Suite Overview

  • Overview of Housing and Income Assistance Applications

4:55 - 6:00 pm

Exhibitor LaneWay

6:30 - 11:00 pm

Event Night (MOA)

**Agenda is subject to change without notice**